The Participant, as TRUSTOR, through this Omnibus Participating Trust Agreement (the "Agreement"), hereby agrees to participate in the Manulife Investment Management and Trust Corporation Unit Investment Trust Fund/s (the "Fund/s") it has duly selected based on its Client Suitability Assessment (CSA)/lnvestment Policy Statement (IPS) OR in accordance with its risk appetite as supported by the Client Waiver it has executed established and administered by Manulife Investment Management and Trust Corporation (the "TRUSTEE"). The TRUSTOR also agrees that its initial contribution and subsequent contributions to Fund/s are subject to the approval of the TRUSTEE after which an evidence of participation shall be issued to the TRUSTOR; and that prior to approval, the TRUSTEE shall not be liable to the TRUSTOR for any loss arising from market fluctuations and price volatility of the securities held by the FUND/s.
It is expressly understood and agreed that this Agreement is subject to, and does not amend, modify or limit, the respective Fund/s’ Declaration/s of Trust (the “Plan Rules”). As such, the TRUSTOR, hereby explicitly acknowledges having read and fully understood the Plan Rules pertaining to his investment/s and is amenable to all the terms and conditions contained therein. The TRUSTOR also confirms and certifies that the Fund/s is/are suitable to his investment requirements.
The TRUSTOR and the TRUSTEE likewise agree as follows: