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Fund performance

NAV history

Fund documents

Basic details

As per regulatory requirement, historical performance of the fund will be disclosed only after 6 months from its launch.

Since launch


*See real time prices.

Consistent with forward pricing, the NAVPU indicated is computed at the end of day and posted in the website the following business day.

Calculation of performance is based on the change in net asset value per unit (NAVPu) in the “Denominated currency” for the stated period, exclusive of income payout. These figures show by how much the share class NAVpu increased or decreased in value during the stated period. Where a specific share class has insufficient data for the calculation period (i.e. in cases where the fund has not been launched at the start of the calculation period selected), incomplete or no past performance will be shown for that share class.

Note: Consistent with forward pricing, the NAVPU indicated is computed at the end of day and posted in the website the following business day.

Fund Manager
Subscription Fee
Annual Fee Percentage
Maintenance Fee Percentage
Launch date
Fund type
Risk profile
Par value of the fund
Minimum initial participation
Minimum maintaining participation
Minimum transaction amount
Minimum holding period
Contribution settlement *
Redemption settlement
Trust fee
Early redemption charge

* Following receipt of cleared funds